EAD documents for Download:

EAD-160004-00-0301-Post-tensioning kits
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.7 MB
EAD-160027-00-0301-Special filling produ
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 968.1 KB

Comparison EAD - ETAG013:

Technical presentation prepared by matrics engioneering GmbH.

3 20160418 EAD 16 Seminar Schulz EAD vs.
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 3.4 MB

EAD16 - Seminar 2016.

Due to the upcoming EAD16 guidelines replacing the ETAG013 guideline a seminar will take place on 18th of April 2016 in Munich, starting at 1pm and closing with a dinner at Löwenbräukeller (Brewery's restaurant).


The seminar should include everyone involved in the process of approving post-tensioning systems and components.


1300      Arrival of attendants


1315      Welcome Speech

               Dr. Hermann Weiher (matrics engineering GmbH)


1330      Assessment of pt kits according to the new EAD16 guidelines

               Dr. Lars Eckfeldt (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik)


1415      EAD16 vs. ETAG013: technical modifications and lessons learned

  Jürgen Schulz (matrics engineering GmbH)


1515      Panel discussion and FAQs moderated by Dr. Hermann Weiher

               Dr. Lars Eckfeldt (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik)

               Wilhelm Schneider (Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik)

               Barthélémy Petit (Cerema)

               Prof. Dr. Andor Windisch


1545      Coffee break


1630      CE marking and certification of pt systems       

  Lutz Gerlach (MPA Karlsruhe)


1700      Road bridges in Germany – strategy and technical challenge

               Prof. Dr. Konrad Zilch (Zilch+Müller Ingenieure GmbH)

               Karl Goj (Bavarian Road Administration)


1740      Rehabilitation of pc bridges in UK - situation, strategy, case studies

               Gordon Clark (Ramboll UK Limited)


1825      Closing of technical sessions and final information


1915      Dinner at Löwenbräukeller


Venue and Schedule.

  • Location: Regent Hotel, Seidlstr. 2, 80335 München (5  minutes walk from Central Station, northern Exit) --> Map
  • Date. Monday, 18th of April 2016
  • Start: 1:00pm
  • Dinner: 7:15pm, Löwenbräukeller (10 minutes walk from seminar venue) --> Map


Registration has been closed.

Please ask for waiting list if interested in participation.


Hotel (Link), Category, Distances Seminar/Dinner

Regent Hotel 4* (0 / 400 m); Erzgiesserei Europe 3* (600 / 200 m); Eurostars Grand Central 4* (500 / 500 m); ibis Central 2* (200 / 300 m); Kings 4* (300 / 300 m)


Logos with weblinks.

Registered attendants.


80 individuals.

Companies (A-O).

ANP Systems GmbH, AT

Autoroutes et routes de Wallonie, BE

BAUER Spezialtiefbau GmbH, DE

BBR VT International Ltd., CH

BBV Systems GmbH, DE

CCL Stressing Ltd, GB

Cerema, FR

Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik, DE

DYWIDAG-Systems International GmbH, DE


Freyssinet International & Cie, FR


H+P Ingenieure GmbH, DE

Hochschule München, DE

KB Vorspann-Technik GmbH, DE/AT

matrics engineering GmbH, DE

MPA Braunschweig, DE

MPA Karlsruhe, DE

Oberste Baubehörde im Bayerischen Staatsministerium des Innern, DE

Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik, AT

Otto-Mohr-Laboratorium Dresden, DE

Companies (P-Z).

PAUL Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG, DE

PBL Group Ltd., TH

Politecnico di Milano, IT

Prüfstelle für Betonstahl Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Rehm GmbH, DE

Ramboll UK Limited, GB

Richard Münch GmbH, DE

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE

Stahlwerk Annahütte GmbH, DE

StrongForce Post Tensioning LLC, UAE

Technický a zkušební ústav stavební Praha, CZ

Tensacciai S.r.l., IT

Technische Universität München, DE

Technische Universität Wien, AT

Technische Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt GmbH, AT

Universität der Bundeswehr München, DE

UK Cares, GB

Vill ZT GmbH, AT

voestalpine Wire Technology GmbH, AT

VSL (Schweiz) AG, CH

Zilch + Müller Ingenieure GmbH, DE